
A collection of 3 posts

SpendOps with Azure Cosmos DB cover image

SpendOps with Azure Cosmos DB

As developers, we have a direct cost impact at every stage of the traditional DevOps life-cycle. So much that we can label this the SpendOps life-cycle.

spendops,  azure,  cosmosdb,  automation,  tests,  testing
Microsoft Build 2019 cover image

Microsoft Build 2019

I have returned from Microsoft Build 2019 in Seattle. I'm very excited as it was the first time attending Build. It was an amazing 3 day experience delivered by Microsoft that was jammed full of technical sessions, new announcements, product expositions and lots of awesome people!

conference,  azure,  durable functions,  serverless,  sql,  dotnet,  devops,  cosmosdb
I'm speaking at SSW Azure Superpowers cover image

I'm speaking at SSW Azure Superpowers

I am honoured to take over the SSW Azure Superpowers Tour from the illustrious Adam Stephensen and fabulous Thiago Passos. Check out the…

azure,  appservice,  cosmosdb,  azureadb2c,  b2c,  logicapps,  devops,  ai,  cognitiveServices,  bots